Monday, October 17, 2016



We are a badly divided country. All that we hear about, especially from the left, is compromise, compromise, compromise. This is sophistry at its worse because it fails to discuss whether compromise is justified and I’m so tired of it.

If I come up to you and demand that you give me a thousand dollars and you say no way. Then I say OK, let’s compromise. Only make it five hundred dollars. Again you say get lost. And I keep badgering you, four hundred, three hundred, one hundred, badger, badger, badger. Finally you get tired of the nonsense and I’m down to ten dollars. The onlookers are shouting compromise, compromise it’s only ten dollars..You just want me to go away. So you say for ten dollars I’ll get some peace: Here, take the ten and get out of here. We’ve reached a compromise and I’m ten dollars richer than I deserve.

That’s what the Democrats have been doing for over a hundred years. Drip, drip, drip until finally our Constitution is shredded and they get more and more power.

The Democrats had the House, the Senate and the White House for two years from 2009 till 2011. They could have passed any bill that they wanted and there was nothing that the Republicans could do about it. (Example: The ACA known as Obamacare.) Yet they did not pass a budget. Why not?
Because they could then call for continuing resolutions and then under threat of closing down the government demand a compromise on spending.

It is not a compromise when one side demands something that they should not have and the other side yields.

We have clichés like, it’s a win win situation. There is no such thing. You can’t have a winner if there is not a loser. Why not just say it’s a lose lose situation? If both sides don’t give up something it is simply an agreement.

I’m convinced that we are living in the age of sophistry. A sophist is a rhetorician who is able to make foolishness sound like wisdom.

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