Monday, March 19, 2007

None Dare Call it Treason

Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.
Sir John Harrington. (1561–1612)

Our enemies declare openly that they cannot, and do not intend, to defeat us militarily. With history on their side, they intend to defeat us politically: as did enemies in Viet Nam, Lebanon and Somalia. Our withdrawal, in those instances, resulted in millions of innocent lives lost and the establishment of territorial strongholds for our enemies. Our failure to stay and win and secure Iraq will have the same result and will spread to, and bring about the loss of, Afghanistan.

Bush haters say that Bush lied. They define lying as not telling the truth. They conveniently leave out that you must knowingly not tell the truth. If you believe that Bush knew that there were no WMDs, you need to provide evidence to support that belief. Then you have to declare that all our allies either were not as smart as Bush or also lied. Then you have to declare that all the members of the congressional intelligence committees (with security clearance equal to the President’s) were too incompetent to use their considerable authority to probe for a truth that someone as “dumb” as Bush seems to have discovered. Being mistaken is not lying. Calling someone you disagree with names, like liar, belongs in a kindergarten school yard.

Some say we should not have gone into Iraq. They may be right. (Speculation is not provable.) Constantly rehashing the past does nothing for dealing with the present. Remember a huge majority in Congress and most of the American people supported going in. Woulda, shoulda, coulda achieves nothing.

Our cut and run history is against us. Our enemies have become bolder each time. Our friends are afraid to commit because of that history. Iraqis who bought into the dream of a representative government feel betrayed and are at risk.

We keep calling for the Iraqis to stand up. If you were an Iraqi would you stand up if you thought that the Americans will cut and run and leave you and your family to suffer death, or worse, at the hands the terrorists that will overrun your country and exact revenge on those who helped the Americans?

Members of the coalition are pulling out of Iraq. They are afraid that congress will make us pull out and leave them high and dry.

Our friends fear us and our enemies don’t.

Some say that we are in the middle of a civil war in Iraq. It’s not a civil war. It is a sectarian power struggle catalyzed by terrorists. Most Iraqis are not participating. Most Iraqis are just trying to get on with their lives.

Our cut and run history has every two bit dictator, like Hugo Chavez, spitting in our eye. We have no leverage over North Korea or Iran. When it comes to choosing sides, who sides with a loser? People love to pile on a loser. Aggression against us is increasing. Those siding with us will decrease. So we become more isolated. If we don’t win this one, America will not see the end of the 21st century.

Calls for withdrawal by John Murtha and his supporters in Congress and the media frighten our friends and embolden our enemies. What Mr. Murtha and his cohorts are doing is exactly what our enemies want done.

In grade school I learned that treason was: Giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war. Surely, congressional participation in our enemies’ plan for victory is the very essence of giving aid and comfort.

I dare to call it treason.

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